Had Han Ju Tofu Hot Pot long times again. I was not really like it when I first time tried. Few days ago, my coworker and I had a lunch at Han Ju Tofu hotpot again. We had a great experience eating there.
Han Ju Tofu Hot Pot is an Asian restaurant located on Kingsway in Crystal Mall. The food in this restaurant are cheap, so it always has lots of people eating here. Since the restaurant is nearby my work, I had a lunch with my coworker at this place around lunch time.
The restaurant looks different from last I was there. Inside the restaurant is small and clean. Since we
Highly recommend people to have a try.

Korean Style Kimchi Noodle Pot $8.75

Sasame oiled Chicken Soup with Thin Noodles $ 8.75
Address: 1218-4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 2B1
Phone: (604) 434-8098
Saturday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Sunday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Monday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Tuesday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Wednesday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Thursday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |
Friday | 11a.m.–9p.m. |